Thursday, January 22, 2009

Radical Movies

I was just reading this post on about five great movies that need to be seen, and three of them aren't even available on Netflix.


Come on! Netflix is huge. I have to say, I don't think I'm a conspiracy theorist to wonder if there's not a reason for this. Netflix is huge, but Monsanto is huger.

Here are the films:

The World According to Monsanto
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
Food Fight

Now that I can't get them easily, I want to see them even more!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Class starts tomorrow! Gah! So exciting! I hope I get good grades this semester. I hope I kick some ass and write some good papers!

In case you're interested, as some people seem to be, here's the reading list for Sociology 802: Modern Social Theory taught by Robert Antonio this semester:
  • Dewey, John- Individualism Old & New 1-57392-693-0 (paper) Prometheus Books
  • Durkheim, Emile - Division of Labor in Society 0-02-907960-8 (Paper) Free Press (Halls Translation)
  • Marx, Karl - Capital Vol. 1 (unabridged) 0-7178-0621-9 (Paper) International Publishers
  • Mead, George Herbert - Mind, Self, & Society 0-226-51668-7 (Paper) University of Chicago
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich- On the Genealogy of Morals & Ecce Homo 0-679-72462-1 (Paper) Vintage
  • Weber, Max - From Max Weber (eds. Hans Gerth & C. W. Mills)- Oxford University Press (Paper) 0195004620 Oxford
  • Weber, Max - Protestant Ethic & the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West (Paper) 978-0-19-533253-7 Oxford University Press (Kalberg Translation)
And here's the reading list for the other class I'm taking, Women and Gender Studies 689: Concepts in Human Sexuality taught by Charlene Muehlenhard
  • Stombler, Mindy; Baunach, Dawn M.; Burgess, Eliasbeth O.; Donnelly, Denise; & Simonds, Wendy. (Eds.). (2004). Sex matters: The sexuality and society reader (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. ISBN: 0-205-48544-8
  • Wiederman, Michael W. (2001). Understanding sexuality research. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ISBN: 0-534-50958-4
I've read some of the Stombler book just this evening and it's really easy and accessible. I might just read the whole thing this weekend to get it out of the way and leave time for the other texts during the semester.
